Did You Know?

Lake Toba - The majority of people who live around the lake are Bataknese
People who live around the lake and also on Samosir Island are ethnic Batak, they have lived since time immemorial around Lake Toba, Batak traditional houses can still be seen and found around lakes and islands. and the color of the typical Batak house called "Balige"

Lake Toba - Has an island in the middle of the lake, namely Samosir Island
The island in the middle of Lake Toba is Samosir Island, has an area of 630 km2, almost the size of the capital city of Jakarta
According to the population census in 2020, the number of people who inhabit this island reached 108,000 people. Wow, that's quite a lot guysss

Lake Toba - Geoparks in Indonesia and the World
Lake Toba caldera is one of the twenty geoparks in Indonesia, and is also included in the UNESCO version of the geopark! Cool isn't it!
Lake Toba, North Sumatra is one of the five Super Priority Destinations (DSP) promoted by the government. To support this tourist location, The Caldera Toba Nomadic Escape has been built, on the land of the Toba Samosir Regency Authority Zone.

Lake Toba - No. 2 Deepest Lake in Indonesia
FYI, guys, the depth of Lake Toba reaches 529 meters, lohhh, losing to the deepest lake in Indonesia, namely Lake Matano which is in (Central Sulawesi) which is 590 meters!
and also the depth of Lake Toba is actually like the sea, yes, the underwater current is also heavy even though the top looks calm. Behind its depths there must be someone who asks about the kingdom under Lake Toba, WHAT IS THE MYSTERY OF LAKE TOBA?

Lake Toba - Is One of the Largest Eruptions in Human History
Experts believe that the magnitude of this volcanic eruption and lake reaches 8 VEI (volcanic explosivity index). Wow!
This eruption is claimed to be the largest in history in the last 25 million years, imagine if the eruption of Mount Sinabung only entered level 2 VEI.